I can't honestly say i have read all of Mr. Moderators articles, but I have chatted with him numerous times and he is a very knowledgable person.
Again my :twocents::
1) Don't put a coral banded shrimp in your tank if you plan on going reef, those little claws get them in trouble sometimes with soft corals when feeding, others might disagree here, but i wouldn't...... if you want shrimp stick to peppermint, skunk cleaner, and Fire shrimp, but I personally would wait till everything had settled down before adding shrimp, because they are very sensitive to high levels of nitrate.
On Snails:
Nerite and Astrea --- are good choices for film algea, cynobacteria, etc
Nassarius and Cerith --- are good for detritus, excess food, fish waste and keeping the sand good and stirred up.. Nassarius are about half the size of cerith.
Margarita and Turbos-- are good over all algea eaters, but i would recommend against Turbos even though i have a couple... they get big and like to push smaller rocks and corals out of their place.
Natural way of pest deterants:
A six line wrasse is probably one of my favorite fish, though i have lost a couple to the carpet since they can jump and i have an open top. Read the article I have linked.. they will eat flat worms, small bristle worms, and some other clam type pests....
Like I said these are just my opinions and anything that Mr. Moderator says would also work. There are a million different ways to do things I personally like SeaChem others like Kent, but in the end its like a honda and a toyota they will both get you where you need to go its how you drive and maintain it that determins which is better.
Good luck and keep us posted on your progress.