Filter question


Reefing newb
I run no protein skimmer and no sump. I have a 75 gallons reef and fish, I use two dr. foster smith skilter filters that skim the surface and the middle of tank. My tank is crystal clear. I change my carbon about every three weeks or so. The problem I am haveing is microbubbles lately. These filters tell you to use the carbon filter in front and a sponge filter in the back closest to the water and this is strictly for bacteria to grow on. The bubbles come from the water backing up and spilling over into the tank and being sucked right back thru the filter. Do I need to have these sponge filters for the bacteria or will all the live rock handle that? What do you all mean by gof filters? Thanks
Besides the two filters, I have a Koralia 3 and 4, I have plenty of water flow and the 75 gallon is 3/4 full of live rock, so plenty for bacteria to grow on. Thanks
You have plenty of live rock so the sponge filter isn't needed.

Is the skimmer bubbles causing the microbubbles?
If it is then turn the skimmer section off.Personally,this is what I would do.Either run the thing empty(skimmer off,no carbon,no sponge)and for a few days a month put in the carbon insert or remove the thing completely.Those skilters aren't very good filters and definitely not a good skimmer.Would you believe I had one back in 1989,they weren't considered good back then either.The only thing you need is a good quality skimmer like an Octopus and then your set.
I agree with reeffreak, there is no better filtration than a skimmer. Ditch the sponge it'll collect waste and continue to nitrify your water.