

Team Liquid Force
How often do you feed your fishy friends? I have a clown and a yellow tang and I feed once a day, mysis shrimp and everyother day I supplement nori for my tang. I was reading live aquaria's site and they say you only need to feed a yellow tang 3 days a week?
I have 16 fish in my tank, currently. I feed them one cube of frozen food once a day. And for the two tangs, I feed them half a seaweed sheet twice a week.

If you are giving your tang nori every other day, and he is eating it all, that's fine. As long as you are giving small pieces. I give a rather large piece twice a week, so I think it makes up for it. Plus, my tangs are constantly grazing on the rocks, which is what I want them to do.
as far as feeding goes, every day can be too much food for a small amount of fish. A good rule of thumb, feed what your fish will entirely comsume in 4-5 minutes. I feed my 90 gallon every other day one cube of food, with nori twice a week. I feed my 125 with the angelfish a cube of food every day plus nori weekly. The more you feed, the more nutrients you put into your water and the more dirty your water gets, can get algae as well as cyano.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
i feed my tank 1-2 times a week. rod's food, mysis, a sheet of nori pellets and a piece of romaine lettuce. not all at once. alternate it all the time. i have 4 tangs, 1 anthias, 1 angel, 1 wrasse, 1 goby, 1 clown, 2 cardinals and a foxface.
I feed once a day.

In my 150: 1 silverside + 2 or 3 frozen Krill for my Lion Fish, 1 silverside OR a Krill for my Sweetlips Orientalis, A cube of Formula 2 every other day for the Yellow Tang, Hippo Tang & Majestic Angel, 1 cube of brine shrimp (Spirulina or Omega 3 enriched) for general consumption.

In my 90 I feed one cube of frozen (usually an enriched Brine Shrimp cube) every day - for the 5 small fish, anemone, and various critters in there.

I think this is a little heavier than most, but it all gets eaten & I do regular water changes to keep parameters where they should be (most of the time :-)