Everything is coming along


Reefing newb
Since starting up my 12g nano in Feb, turning over one of my live rocks and finding brown button polyps, then finding all the copods. I've gotten a watermellon coral, kenya tree, yellow whip, some purple and red mushrooms, a few ricordias, a frogspawn, a candycane, and a cleaner shrimp (which has molted about 4x in 2mo). I found a bristleworm last night when turning out the lights!
I'm thinking maybe it's time to get a fish.
I would not recommend that for a new 12 gallon tank; the fish would probably starve to death pretty quickly. They really require larger tanks than that, and a refugium if they are not eating frozen food.
What about a pair of small clownsfish? Or do you think clowns are too "cliche"? Some people think they are too common and prefer not to have them. :)
I'd rather have clowns than damsels. I would think they would like the frogspawn (I know my tank is too small for an anemone).
Is there any particular type I should look at?

I just found a place that had this ad "9 months old juvenile tank breed Golden Maroon Clown fish"

Would those be ok?
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Clowns do just fine without anemones. They don't need one. Maroon clowns get to be some of the largest and most aggressive clowns. I think they'd outgrow your tank pretty quickly. Skunk, percula and ocellaris would be better choices.