

Reef enthusiast
Yesterday I find my dwarf hermits chowing on a mexican turbo snail. One hermit's shell is half the size of my pinky finger and I do not big hands. Is it possible they killed him or was he already dead or sick?
is there bigger empty shells in your tank for the hermits to move into when they outgrow the one they are in

if there is not, they will ambush a snail for the shell

i think that is why some people go for snails only and dont use the hermits
if it was a larger sized turbo its probably that it was dying or dead. they will kill smaller snails like nassarius but large turbos they dont usually bother at all unless they are sick or dead
I've seen several hermits gang up on a single snail. If no other snails in your tank seem sick or dying, then I'd guess the hermits killed it.