EMERGENCY!!! HELP Fish Are dying - Anenome died in tank

The things that I know of right now that are still alive is the false percola, the tomato, the fire shrimp and some snails...the goby has been under a rock all day and BF hasn't been able to find him.

How long should we wait to put fish back in? How will we know when the toxins are out of the water?

This totally sucks! Did I say that yet?
if and only if you have the fish and other animals that are left in a seperate place other than the dt change all the water but leave just enough the keep the sand under water.(you will have to let the water get to temp before putting anything back in) but if you have animals still in the dt than dont do any more than 50% like biff said
Man I would be pist if this happen to me. Sorry to hear about your tank. If you do as suggested things will be alright. I hope your making BF do all the water changes. Maybe he'll learn to listen to you next time. Keep us updated.
Okay, guys, here's the good news. The fish that survived are the Tang, the watchman Goby, the false Percola, the tomato clown and the two Damsels, a coral banded shrimp and the fire shrimp.

The bad news is that we lost the fairy wrasse, the coral beauty and the anenome.

The tang and the two clowns were on their sides in the quarantine tank and the shrimp was not doing too well either and my BF swore that they would be gone by the time I got home from work yesterday. But, they were all swimming around normally last night and looked fine. This morning, I noticed a little bit of quick breathing but they all ate. They still seem freaked out a bit and hide behind the rocks when we come near the tank.

Yes, the BF is doing all the water changes and getting a multitude of guilt trips from me and sarcastic comments throughout the night.

For the individual that blamed the power heads, that's not what killed the anenome. That thing has been curled up and looking sick for a while. I kept telling BF that he needed to get it out of there.. we would put food into it and it would never eat it. It finally died and fell off the rock and into the filter outflow.

The Sea Hare was cleaning the powerhead apparently and I have no idea how it did it, but got between those vents which are probably a 16th of a centimeter. It still amazes me how that happened. He was a fatty.
Glad to hear that you have some surviors and they are eating. How are the paremeters on the DT? Also are you running carbon? That'll help get rid of the toxins. I shocked the shrimps made it.
I'm shocked all of them made it...tonight they're looking great...no panting or anything.

We're doing another water change later on tonight.

Thanks for everyone's help on this.
Did your BF learn a lesson? That is the important question. Make sure you are testing the water frequently too. It might take a while to get it but IMO you should be watching closely for an ammonia spike(a new cycle)