eco gorgs


Reefing newb
So has anyone ever ordered the ecogorgs from aquascapers? Their website says it is supposedly easy to care for, but it doesn't give much information about it. Google doesn't seem to have any answers for these kinds of gorgs.
I have one that i picked up at my LFS.
It's ok. I'm noticing a slight tissue loss. Will see if it recovers or continues.

The one I got is the gold plume.

They need light (they are photosynthetic) and good flow. They filter feed.
You can spot feed them which would probably help.
They are captive grown so supposedly they should adjust to your tank easier, but who knows.
In my personal experience, not at all. I'm just happy when they survive as is. But I'm speaking of wild caught gorgs. The silver ones with brown polyps have done best for me. This is my first eco gorg and I've only had it for a few weeks.
I know the guys that run ecogorgs, they are good guys I would trust them to send you a quality product. I am hoping to make an order myself in the next few weeks