dry sand


Reefing newb
Hi guys and gals. I decided to re-do my 44gal tank today so i removed my fish into a spare tank. i re-did my plumbing and changed my cc out for sand. i put back my rock and water. how long should i wait before returning the fish to the tank? any suggestions?:question:
test the water tomorrow morning, and see what the levels are, they should be all zeros with the exception of nitrate, they can be up. if they are 0-0-<25 then throw some food in there and wait a little while, if the levels dont spike then you can safely add the fish back to the tank
Yeah, wait a day or two. Since you used the same rock and water, I don't think your levels would spike, but you should check it before adding the fish just to be safe.
I think that I cheated when I transferred my tank, I only waited a couple of hours...It depends on how mature your tank is...your tank is not that old, so you should really listen to Dustin and Biff.
O.k. just finished checking all my levels.... all good. now i'm going to put the little guys back in. thanks for all your help guys.
Sounds good. I hope they like their "new" home. You'll be glad you decided to change out the crushed coral for sand sooner rather than later anyways.
so far so good. tank looks much nicer now my snails were gonzo in about 20 sec. i also got one of those clams i posted about earlier and he's nice and at home under the sand. here's a few pics.....:^::^:
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I like the way it looks. This may sound odd, but is that a bottle in your sand? My eyes are getting old so I may just be seeing things.
What kind of sand did you use? Live sand, play sand ????
A lot of you all will very disagree with me but i had to try It and it worked very well and looks white in my tank. I did a lot of reading and found some perfessor dude that brook it all down,,, any ways to make a very long story short I tryed it and im still useing play sand From lowe's (premium play sand) but It has to be only silaca quartz, Silacate sand had a very high,high diatom problem but the silica quartz did not have as bad . there are two or there are probibly more types of sand out there. I started trying it in a 10gal tank for 2 months and then I put it in my 55gal and I dont have a problem with it, but I had more problems when I was using cc, One fifty or so lb bag of sand only costed less than four dollars. But it had to Silica Quartz.
my snails and fish have no problem with it either.
i used white masonry sand. it is made by ace-crete. it came in a 50# bag. it was also very clean. it only took a few minuets of washing to get it clean. i'm not sure of the exact composition. i beleive it is pure silica sand. it looks really nice in the tank. we'll see how it goes. i'll try and get the specs on it and post them. $6 a bag.
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