Dry Live Rock ?'s

Ok guys and gals i aquired some live rock(dry) today for a helluva bargain that i couldnt resist off of craigslist,
What ya think, he said he acid washed this stuff and let it soak for a while but i was also gonna give it a very through cleanin myself possibly even boiling it??? Any suggestions on what else i could do??
Heres a pic of what i got, the brown box there on the right is filled with alot of rubble which will be of good use in my fuge, a few good size pieces and some fist sive pieces, a good deal for 50 bucks eh??


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Not a bad price.But I think I would let it soak in a bucket of water for a couple of weeks then run a copper test on it before I added it to the tank.Just be on the safe side.
If it is dry, then it is not live rock. The definition of live rock is that it is colonized by bacteria and/or other critters found on the reefs. That price is still good for dry base rock though. I'm with Yote, to be sure to do a copper test before adding to your tank.
Ok thanks, but when i soak it in water can i use regular tap or should i also use ro water, and what would be the consequence if there was copper trace
Ya not a bad deal at all for base rock. If there is copper in it it would be deadly for coral and inverts, i.e. clams, snails, crabs etc.
i would use ro water, and like keaton said if it has been in a tank that has had copper in it the rock will leach out copper for ever and it will kill are snails crabs anemones clams and corals and shrimp
Defenitly use RO water to soak it.And if copper shows up on the test,you can use it to decorate a QT,or chunk at the dude that it to you,the choice is yours:mrgreen:
Nope.If its been coppered,it's usless for a reef tank.
Its probably not been coppered.But its better to be safe than sorry.Just test it to make sure.