Does bubble algae ever fully go away

Rob M

Reefing newb
Or it just controlled? The reason why I ask; it seems to take off every once in awhile. I once thought it was all gone to find it pop up all over again. My tang seems to keep it down from ever getting bad. I hate to think how bad it could be without tang. I know hard to fully rid of it but does anybody have experience of totally wiping it out?
From my understanding and personal experience, without taking the rock out and letting it sun dry no. I had it in my smaller tank when I first started. It was a PITA and every time you pop one it releases its evil little spores into the tank to breed.
IMO as long as you can keep it in ckeck and you have fish and inverts that eat it and keep it under control let it go as it will help you on feedind with algea strips but if you want to help keep your nitrates and phos low