
So what do you do when they strike? Prevention? How did you get rid of them?

You cuss enough to turn satan himself red,kick the tank,beat your haed on a block wall,then drink yourself stupid and do all over again.

Heres what I did to get rid of em.
Any corals that wasnt already dead,I pulled and had the LFS hold them for me.Then I cut the lights for 2 1/2 weeks.Did a 75 gallon water change,scrubbed every rock,pump,and powerhead.The pumps and powerheads got a bleach bath.Then I took all the sand washed it in fresh water.
Once the sand and rock was back in the tank,I used a kalkwasser drip and ran the PH up 5.something for the time the lights was off.
For prevention,forget it.If its going to happen,its going to happen.Dinos like low nutrient systems.So the very things we do to keep algae away,is the very things that dinos like.
dang....I hope I never have that problem!!! I dunno how you haven't pulled all your hair out, Yote...between dinos and mantis shrimp :)
dang....I hope I never have that problem!!! I dunno how you haven't pulled all your hair out, Yote...between dinos and mantis shrimp :)

Dont forget about my anemone attack on my SPS too Wonton.
I lost close to $1000 dollars worth of SPS colonies in one night just because my BTA decided he'd move one night.AFTER a year of being in the same spot.:frustrat:

But No,I wouldnt wish dinos on anybodies tank.