Digglers 75 eel tank

Today I added 90 pounds of Caribsea Aragonite sand. I seeded it with sand from three of my established tanks. Now I'm twiddling my thumbs until my rock shows up.
Nice and cloudy.
My 100 lbs of rock arrived this morning. My LFS is out of epoxy so I have to wait until tomorrow to set it up the way I want it. Let the cycle begin. My water is still cloudy.
Thanks for all of the nice words guys. :D I finally got my rock epoxied together. I'm going to use another tube just to be on the safe side. I ordered a 30" MH for my 37 but didn't pay attention to the width measurement, like a dumbarse. So I'll be "modifying" the legs to fit on my 75. Lol. So far I've found some neat-o feather dusters and a small clam. The clam croaked so I let it rot away until this afternoon before pulling it out to discard. On with the pics.................
Ugh, the new light fixtures ventilation system isn't doing the trick. 84 degrees. I found a small 4" fan to blow underneath it until I can find/build some sort of contraption to hang these damn things from. Hopefully the extra fan will do the trick for a while.

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