It's been a loooooooong time since I've updated this thread. All has been going well with the 75, the eel is a pig. My frog fish, Kermit, has been eating my mini school of chromis. I've been replacing chromis with anthias. Kermit did eat my first 3"+ male anthia that I put in the tank. :shock: Damn fish. I finally feel like this tank has matured, sand is clean with no algae outbreaks. Coral growth has been good to very good, especially the zoas. I've also added more rock along the way, I'm guessing I have around 160 pounds. I'd like to add another ten and call it a day.
I recently purchased a peacock mantis for my 12 gallon nano cube. When I get some decent pics I'll be sure to post them. My wife and I have really been digging this little beast.
On with the pics.............................................................................................