DI Media "filters"


Reefing newb
After setting up my new 90 and doing a couple of water changes, my media cartridge has turned all brown already!! It was brand new when I started.

Do any of you use or recommend the refillable cartridge vs the factory sealed type? Any brand better/worse? This last one of mine seemed to go awfully fast. The other two filters aren't even a little bit dirty yet. My TDS meter went from 50-60 coming into the system to 25 coming out as the filter changed, so I have stopped making water, but need to make more soon.

Thanks all.

I had one of those once. I forget the brand. I noticed if the flow rate was to high it would not filter properly. It seemed a fast drip was about as fast as it could filter. That and I never got more than 30 or so gallons out of a filter cartridge. The cartridges are also horrible expensive when compared to RO units.