December meeting

Nice to see you posting chris!
Thank you, it's good to be posting. More info on my absence is in the private section. I also FINALLY got the pictures up from the Frag Swap. They are in the cub section.
well december has crept up on us! We need to set a date. I will be available on the 2,3,16,17 of december. We could also get together on a weeknight if it would be easier. post some ideas but we need to do something soon. Unless someone objects I guess we will hit a chinese buffet, there are two on lee hwy/brainerd rd area
I think brandon is busy this weekend as well? Its always hard with the holidays to do anything. Maybe we can plan for a friday night dinner?
I can't do any Friday nights at all. I am booked every Friday.
If that's the night you guys need it on though, don't let me slow it down... I'm just apologizing in advance if that's the case.
Lets do it like we did last year on Sunday after Church.... on say like the 17th .... Just my 2 cents.
that shouldnt be a problem! So unless we get alot of complaints we will set it for sunday december 17th, at 2:00. Asia buffet is probly the best location, and have a huge selection. Its on lee hwy near the shallowford rd intersection. right next to the new rave fittness center.
All in favor say IIIIIIIIII
brandon, if you would check the site more often you would have noticed post number 31!:frustrat:
date/time/and directions!:mrgreen:
not to bright are you :disappoin