dead mushroom?


Reefing newb
So i got a rock with 3 mushrooms a while ago, they were green velvety looking... dont know the name... but one of the mushrooms came off the rock 2 nights ago and i cant find it and now, 2 days later my water is looking milky-ish, could this be caused by a dead/dying mushroom?? (it was the size of a quarter... maybe a little bigger)

Ive had this milky water problem before and im trying to figure out the source...
I would venture to guess there is something else causing the milky condition. Don't think one mushroom would do it.
I also agree, the shroom didnt do it...I bet that it isn't dead, just detached and moved somewhere else...but I have a question, are you dosing your tank with anything at all...when I hear cloudy water I automatically think of ph. Let us know what your water parameters are so we can further help ya out.
I think you purposely HAVE to kill a mushroom for them to die. haha. I've had some let loose, find them stuck to a powerhead, pried loose and they still flatten back out and thrive.

What are your water params? Cloudy water to me sounds like an Alk problem.
i dont have an Alk test but the water isnt always cloudy, it comes and goes... ill test my other parameters after class today, oh and i also dont dose anything.
It would take a BIG mushroom dying to cloud the tank.
I think James has got this one.I'm betting its a bactera bloom.
Of course it could also be something mass spawning in the tank too.
oh... and its gone today, it lasted 2 days and now the water looks normal again, is this normal for algae blooms?
It does sound like a bacterial bloom -- they are usually here today, gone tomorrow. Have you tested your water parameters when it's been cloudy (ammonia, nitrites, nitrates)?
this last time i didnt but the time before i did and everything was fine... again i didnt test for alk and calcium and that stuff, i only have tests for ph, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate