Reefing newb
Hello all, so 10 days ago we got the go ahead to put our first new fish in the tank ..... and 10 days later, we have 2 dead banggai cardinals :(( .... one died yesterday, and one died today ... they seemed fine up until the day they died - except for one thing that we are now wondering .... we were feeding them frozen shrimp, and now are wondering how much they really eat? my wife and I both never saw them eat really aggressive - theyd maybe only eat one or 2 ... and maybe spit one out. now that they've both died - we're wondering if perhaps they ended up starving. they both never moved around very much, they kind of found their happy little corner and stayed there, behind the rocks most all of the time - now we aren't even sure if that's normal behaviour for them or not. i'm thinking to head to the LFS tomo and have water checked and talk with them a bit about them. We thought maybe one died from being bullied from the other, but now it looks like that maybe that wasn't the cause at all .... hmmmmm not sure about these little critters ....