dcantucson's Zero Edge

David,That is/was an awesome looking tank.
Do yourself and your livestock a favor and get one of these.Digital Aquatics - The Next Generation in Aquarium Controllers
I've got mine set so that my heater heaters kick on if the temp falls below 78 and the fans kick on it it hits 79.It'll control the tank temp flawlessly.Mine actually averages 78.5 with every thing controlled.Plus you can set it so that at a certian temp,the lights turn off.
Holy crap that's amazing. What's the huge pink coral in the middle? I'd love to see some close ups!!!

Where's the water pumping back up into? How about a shot of the equipment?

I think Biff and NDB need to go on a reconnaissance mission to find out if this really IS his tank. :mrgreen:
I have my suspicions. I mean really... all of a sudden these cool pics turn up out of nowhere?! Something's fishy at LR! :squint:
I think Biff and NDB need to go on a reconnaissance mission to find out if this really IS his tank. :mrgreen:
I have my suspicions. I mean really... all of a sudden these cool pics turn up out of nowhere?! Something's fishy at LR! :squint:

:shock: ...." " :grumble: I'm going to have to pass on this joke :mrgreen:

Dave, we're going to need more proof aparently, we need a photo containing a recent newspaper, drivers license with current address and then several photos proving that this tank is in fact housed in the BOMB SHELTER at that address :mrgreen: ...plus the hours that you will be gone as well as any neighbors that may be suspicious of a van full of 8 guys running into your house and walking out with a tank set-up would all be helpful

....thanks in advance :mrgreen:
thats an awsome tank david. I am still gonna stop by when i get to tucson agin. Also how do you like your vlamingi tang I saw one at the lfs store and thought it was diffrent a lil plain but still im the tang herder so any tang is special to me:shock:
Thank you Sharkie. That was very nice.
Cost was $4,600. for the tank, stand, light bracket and sump (very large).
I had the PFO Solaris lighting system ($3,500) on it but it went out and of course the Company went belly up.

Not a cheap set-up, but it's very cool.
Great tank!

Note to self find out where he lives, slip in at night, and bring tank home.

Oh $hit there I go think out loud again.LOL

Really though that tank is beautiful!!
Is it just me or is it harder to poke fun at dcan now that he's got an actual face instead of a cartoon crab?

:12: how so? Below are a few suggestions that may inspire your in your future ventures :mrgreen::


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