Day 12


Reefing newb
I checked this morning and all the levels are still at 0. The ph is 8.0 (I think) that test is a tough one to read. I hope something starts happening soon. How often should I test at this point?
Yeah it was cured, there was no smell at all. 12lbs live rock and 23lbs base rock. Is it possible I missed the spike I've only tested twice. The nitrate color was still in the 0 range but looked darker than last time. I think it was the nitrate one I'd have to go look at the card.
Its possible that you completely missed the cycle.
I say give it another day or 2 then go ahead and a fish and see what happens.
If you say the color is a little darker, that means something is happening. Some of these tests are really hard to read. When i was going thru my cycle, i made a spread sheet and tested every day and wrote the results down.

Even if you cant tell much change but notice the color is a little diffrent, write it down and after a few weeks look at the sheet and see how things have changed from day 1 to present.

Hope that helps. I agree, after 12 days you should have already seen significant change.
1-put a little fish food in the tank
2-test the next day
3-test again the next day after that(If ammonia and nitrites are still at zero then go to 4.
4-add fish,serve warm.:bounce:

You should be ready for your first fish and clean-up crew.
It's possible you won't have a cycle seeing you used LR and LS. Do what reef suggested and see what happens.
A 12 day cycle????, I'm calling no fair....I am just past three weeks and yesterday I think I may have seen a decrease in trites and trates...not for certain as the qualitative nature of these test kits (especially in the high range) makes it difficult to read.

Congrats if you tank is already cycled though!
Well still nothing. So I went and got two Damsels (I know, I know) I got a Domino and 3 stripe, up there with the aggressiveness. My daughter is so happy there is fish in there she doesn't care that their not clowns. They are very active swimmers so she's thrilled. They're doing fine so far and have eaten. I also got 3 small hermits and 3 turbo snails, part of my set up freebie. 1 crab is awol already. I put in in the tank and it was gone in minutes. The snails are leaving trails in their wake. So now I'll wait and see.
Keep in mind that you picked two of the most aggressive types of damsels out there, and they will try to kill (and probably be successful) any other fish that you add to the tank. Hopefully you'll be able to catch them when you want to add more fish.
I know they are chasing each other; on the plus side right now my daughter loves that they swim so much. she doesnt' know it's because they hate each other.
my first tank was done cycling after a week. used LR, LS, and water from my LFS tank. I took the water from them when they did a water change and used it on my new system. didn't get any algae at all. my params was actually leveled out after 4 days but waited for 3 more days before I started adding some livestock. but at the second day I already started adding some strontium and iron to the tank which I think it helps.
I tested now after 24 hours with the fish. Everything is still at 0.
I can only ever find 1 crab they just disappeared. One of the fish figured at the hole in one of the rocks was big enough for him. He spent most of the day hiding in "his hole" Then this morning I noticed he was out swimming and kept swimming back to the hole and trying to back in then would swim away. I went and looked and one of the snails parked itself right at the entrance. LOL The fish wants in there in the worst way but cann't figure out how to move the snail.