Dang Clown


Reef enthusiast
This guy is pissing me off. I never had a problem with him. But lately he's been destroying everything. He picked at one of my feather dusters and tore it apart. He ate my fox coral. I couldn't figure out who was doing it so I set up a camera and it was him. Is this normal behavior? I upped my feeding thinking he wasn't getting enough food. I'm about ready to find him a new home if he keeps it up.
What kind of clown?

I've had Clarks and Maroons that did nip at the crown of feather duster worms causing them to throw there crown.They were very territorial around their host coral,an open brain.Any crab would be picked up and moved away and corals near by would get nip on(not eaten though).They would nip on a hairy shroom and pop the bubbles on my ex-bubble coral.

Clowns are weird/crazy like that.
My pair of tomato clowns have recently been showing the same behavior. So far, they've killed a goniopora, an alveopora, 7 of the 8 heads of my torch, 7 of the 8 heads of my hammer, a short tentacled plate coral and a long tentacled plate coral.

They turn psycho sometimes.
I try to scare the fish by either tapping on the glass or putting my turkey blaster near them whenever someone is misbehaving. You never know maybe they can be trained.
I would train them by introducing them to the local LFS. They are every bit as cute as an angry woman in a divorce court. Even in a mutual property state they always want more than half, they want it all.