Cyclying question


Reefing newb
ok so I get my live rock tommarow 3April. I was woundering, when I do the initial rinse off to get the critters off, which ones should i Keep? What do they look like? Question #2 I keep hearing of there will be a big spike and everything, when this happens, should I treat it, or just let it run its course? And finally I have a Marineland Pinguine 350 filter for my 30g. It has 2 additional slots for filter midea, What would you suggest to use for those and should i go ahead and put them in now to cure the live rock or wait? Thank you for your time and help.
If your getting your rock mailorder,then just worry about picking the dead critter that you find off.Anything thats alive is going to be deep in the rock and will stay there untill your tanks conditions will support it.
So just pick anything dead off the outside.Place it in your tank,and let it cycle.
You will see your ammonia spike first,then nitrites.Once ammonia and nitrites fall back to zero,do a 20% or so water change and you should be ready to start SLOWLY adding livestock.
I'd use the penguin to run some carbon and phosphate remover from time to time.But I wouldnt even use the filter pads unless there was large particles in the water.
You didnt mention a skimmer.You'll want to add one asap.
What are your plans for the tank?
Welcome to the reef BTW.
and the plans for the tank are some mushroom and polpy corals, and maby some others, not exactly fore sure what all can be mixed yet. And I also plan to have a few clowns and gobies.
I don't know where you are getting your rocks but most just need a rinse in fresh saltwater to remove debris.I usually scrub off excessive decaying matter and remove any macro-algae on the rocks.Run some carbon in one of the compartments of the filter.It will cut down on the smell and some live rocks smell really bad.

Good luck and post some pics.
I also bought the Fiji rock from Live Aquaria. Go to the grocery store and buy a turkey baster, and just blast off the rocks in a bucket of saltwater before you put them in the tank.
If you want to keep alive all or nearly all the lifeforms that came with, in or on your live rock then follow the directions at this site They also have on this site a picture file of all the common life forms that come on, in and with good live rock. Also compare your live rock to the pictures of their live rock. It is really great stuff and it would really be wise to follow their set up instructions to cycle your tank and cure your live rock. I mean no one on this site any bad feelings or such, but a large percentage of their information on cycling and rock curing is very flawed and very often kills off most all life on live rock except bacteria and some coraline algae.
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