cycling option


Reefing newb
british columbia
hi all!! just wondering if it is necessary to use a active bacteria pack when cycling a new tank without live rock? its been a week and a bit now and nitrite levels are still off the charts as well as nitrates, i assume amonia is also high but we got the freshwater test so cant really tell. we are also planning on getting some live rock this weekend so do we just wait for the live rock or get a pack of bacteria culture?
Hello and Welcome to the site!

I would wait until you get the live rock.

But you need to get all saltwater test, i dont think the freshwater ones work on saltwater.
Personally, i dont recommend the use of any additive unless its absolutely necessary. Marine tanks are much more sensitive than fresh, and things can go south very fast if you just add stuff willy nilly.

I would just cycle normally, then you know for sure your tank is ready for livestock. With those bacterial additives you have no idea if the bacteria is even alive anymore or what else is in there.

Just my two cents . . .