Cycling/Feeding Help


Do Not Listen To Me!!!
Ok so it is day tray or three for my tank with the new rocks.

I have many snails and all types of sponges and crabs(found one small stone crab but need grabbers to get it if I find it again.)

I here the clicking of a Mantis but of course never see him. I was going to set a trap but did not want to put food in there during the cycle.

Any ideas for me. I thought I had the exact rock pinned but then I heard it in a different rock.

My big problem is the rocks are stacked so I would have to move like 3 rocks to get the clicker. Almost feel like leaving it till I can catch him. I have more live rock coming so I will just put hot water right away before it goes in the tank.

I mean I had my sponges in the air for at least a minute or 2 and they look fine. I was told they are finished but not so far.

I wish I would have known to put the hot water in the rocks in the first place. I am guessing to spray it into the bigger holes and not the little volcanoes as how can a Mantis fit in there anyway. Even a small one couldn't I don't thing and I don't want to kill the little plants in there or inverts or whatever pokes in and out all day long.

I also was worried about the crab not eating and not being able to throw it food. I was going to cut up a shrimp but stopped at the LFS because I have these little purple spots that look like a lot of little things like coral and snails and stuff and figure they all need to eat still. Well at least some of the stuff and they sold my the DT Phyto Feast which I then read bad stuff about.

What can I do for the crab at least I want it to live and he is a Porcelain crab the size of like 2 quarters.

She said to feed it to the corals with a utensil but the bottle says nothing about its application almost to just pour it in plus I feel worried about using it.
The food will help the cycle...the bacteria will feed on the food to break it down anyway. If you will have die off, might as well do the food trap.
Well I got my rocks from Tampa Bay Saltwater and was thinking I would have a quick and small cycle since I live close by and they came underwater in bags and so far no spike. It will probably happen still and he gives you some brown stuff to speed it up but told me about 4 days.

I may just get one shrimp and cut it up and put only a tiny bit by the big crab. I have not seen him for a day and he is not in the usual spot. Man a bowfront makes looking for stuff harder with the distortion at angles.

So just a reg shrimp from the supermarket huh.

Maybe I will put a small piece for the mantis. I don't understand how they can get in but not out of the bottle.
Well, you can just take out the food that the mantis doesn't touch after a few hours. It won't cause any harm for a short period. Now if you leave in for a couple of days, then yes, you might have a small ammonia spike, but nothing harmful.