

Reef pro
Your tank is not anywhere near cycled yet. It will take about 4-5 weeks for it to fully cycle. Until then you don't want to do any water changes or add any livestock. That brown algae is normal for a fresh tank. Just don't rush things, ask lots of questions here and listen to the advise given and you'll have a successful reef tank.

What? No water changes? Please explain, i though i should be doing huge water changes while the tank cycles
I've had my tank set up with live rock and on fish in it since sunday. When I left this morning everything was normal but when I got home I had all this brown stuff on the rocks and sand. I'm guessing it brown diatoms? My Ammonia is 0 but I never had any measurable amount of nitrite. Is that normal? Nitrites are abot 3. I'm also wondering what type of clean up crew you recommend. I'm going to have a reef.
Your tank is not anywhere near cycled yet. It will take about 4-5 weeks for it to fully cycle. Until then you don't want to do any water changes or add any livestock. That brown algae is normal for a fresh tank. Just don't rush things, ask lots of questions here and listen to the advise given and you'll have a successful reef tank.
The cycle will be run when, your algae will reduce, your ammonia nitrite and nitrate will all test zero. Until then, adding fish or anything will be hazardous, wait at least a month, then add a CUC, and some starting fish, hardy, in case your tank has a mini cycle when adding live animals.
+1 are not cycled until you start detecting ammonia, then nitrites, then finally nitrates. And lke Cathic said, once ammonia and nitrites are zero, and your nitrates are detectable, do a small water change, and you're done! What did you use to cycle?

...that is, unless you used all live sand and live rock, then it's possible not to have a cycle at all :)
I used three pounds of live rock and a Smith's Damsel. My Ammonia did get up to about .5. I have about 30 pounds of rock in all.
Well in that case, you should be ok then :) NItrites are 0 I hope :) As long as your parameters are good, then you should be already able to add your cuc.
Yes they are zero. They never rose though. I guess there was more bacteria that deals with nitrite than with ammonia on my live rock? What types of cleaners do you suggest? I think I have three brittle stars that came on my rock and some kind of slug.
I know that I want some nassarius snails to stir up my sand, some peppermint shrimp to see if they will eat my aiptasia, and some type of hermit crab. I'm not sure how many and if I need anything else.