CUC selection ????

crazy cajun

Reefing newb
i have a 90 gal that will be a reef tank that im cycling now i have about 2 more weeks before its finished, should i add a few fish first or get the CUC first??? and is this package a good package to get for a CUC? ive read about some people not wanting crabs with their reefs , this is supposed to be a reef safe package what do youll think

30-90 Gallon SWF Reef Pack#
well those starter pack are great but i prefer buying the CUC in lttle bunches instead of all at once many of them will die if there is not enough food for them
I agree. If you get them you'll probably need to supplement their food until your tank is established more. Also that site isn't the greatest. I would recommend live over them.
Yeah, don't order from They are rip off artists. They owe lots of people on this site (including myself) store credit, and they make it impossible to use your store credit. If you order from them, expect most of your animals to arrive dead, and don't expect to be able to get your money back.
You'll have to order a lot of cleaners to make the shipping work out.

I'd just start by getting a few critters at a time from your LFS until your tank is more estabilished.
A few at a time. I like getting them from the LFS. It lets me buy something when I'm broke. Plus you can make sure you get the healthiest ones.
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Wait til you have after the cycle and when you have a nice diatom bloom.It will come

Then it would be worth it to order a cleanup crew online.