Crinoid Squat Lobsters


Reef pro
Scientific name - Allogalathea elegans

Family – Galatheidae

Common name – Crinoid Squat Lobster

Max Size – 2 in (5 cm)

Min. Aquarium Size – 10 gal (37 L)

Range - Indonesia

Care Level – Easy

Temperament – Peaceful

Foods and feeding – This crab will scavenge food from the aquarium but should also be fed meaty foods

Supplements: Calcium, Magnesium, Iodine, Trace Elements

Aquarium suitability -

Reef compatibility – Yes

Captive care – This species can hitch hike in on live rock. In nature it is commensal with the Crinoid Feathered Sea Star, but the lobster doest require these for life in the aquarium. Like all inverts, the lobster is extremely sensitive to nitrates and metals, even small amounts are fatal to them.
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