crab found on live rock what is it?


Reefing newb
Hello there
I have just put a piece of live rock in my marine aquarium and discovered it has a hairy legged crab living in it. The crab has light brown hairy legs but a black head and pincers and ornage tips to its legs... It also makes a clicking sound similar to my pistol shrimp. Do any of you know what type of crab this is?
I'll try to get a picture, but it has crawled out of sight at the moment. It has white tips on its black pincers. The top part of it's body towards its eyes is black along with its pincers which are black with white tips. It's legs are light brown and really hairy with feet tips of orange. It's around 2cm across.
I couldn't seem to find one matching your description, try looking here and see if any look like it Crab Hitch Hikers
Also, does it look like this?
We're trying to identify it... Only the legs are hairy, the body isn't. Thanks... keep your suggestions coming and I'll try to get a photo.
Thanks for the link... Had a quick look and there's nothing like it pictured there, but I'm going to keep looking. It doesn't look like the crab you've attached either... Maybe we have discovered a new species!!!
Please keep the suggestions coming!
Put a glass with food in the bottom and tilt it on the rock. The crab will be able to walk down but not up and then you can get a real good pic.
If only it's legs are hairy I'm thinking it may be a mithrax crab. I've attached 2 pictures keep in mind that these crabs come in many different colors. If it looks similar body and shape wise then it might be this


  • kcollinsemeraldcrab_400.JPG
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  • p-86564-crab.jpg
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+1 Mike

Also look close at the pinchers.If the tips are sharp and pointed,you its a predator and needs to be removed.Cup shaped pincher tips are usually omnivores and will help with the clean up chores in the tank.
+1 Mike

Also look close at the pinchers.If the tips are sharp and pointed,you its a predator and needs to be removed.Cup shaped pincher tips are usually omnivores and will help with the clean up chores in the tank.

If in doubt, take it out!
Good news... It's pinchers are rounded, so I'm guessing it's not a predator... And everything is still alive in there! I'll keep an eye on it.
Thanks to you all for your replies... It Is a Mithrax crab... not bad for a freebie. I also found 2 brittle star fish in the live rock, one of them is bubblegum pink. What a bargain - all this for only £4.49!
Those pink brittle stars sale for around 70 bucks around here.I'd say you got a heck of a deal with those kinds of hitch hikers.:D