Crab and coral ID please


Reefing newb
I recently got two small pieces of new rock but found some weird hitchhikers.
Crab has hairy legs, I would have said emerald except for the colors which is a pale white almost purple like color.
Seems to be a mushroom of some sort on the rock work as well so I included a bigger pic.
Not sure if the anemone is a pest majano anemone.I kept the rock with a few peppermint shrimps but it's still there.
There is also some kind of green/back coral(leather? or something else).
Lastly on the other coral there were these weird looking blue spots that looked like little flowers.
I stacked these corals on top of my rock work near some high water flow so they get more light since I have no idea what light and flow requirements they need.


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I would not call them pom poms on any legs. All the back legs are hairy all over. the front legs have no hair. The color is white underneath with a very light purple on top of the crab.
mithrax crabs aren't always green, the emerald mithrax crab is just one variation. Not sure if there is a purple variation, but I know that there is a red, which is called a ruby mithrax crab, as cage already said. I'm not sure about the flowers or the green thing, but +1 cage on the 'shroom.
The anemone is definetly a majano anemone, Get it out before more spread and kill your corals! Lemons and reef epoxy work great!
would CA glue work as well if I apply it to the spot?
The blue coral looks like a colony of some sort and each flower has 8 pedals to it that look like feathers when they are open. It seems to be an unusual variation of something else because there is another colony of similar shaped coral that are ugly brown on the rock.
Could be some sort of star polyp? Never heard of blue ones though. You could burn the anemones with a sautering iron, I don't know of CA would work, you could try lemon juice like hibye said.
I don't think it's a porcelain or mithrax crab.You would see two appendages that look like fans trying to capture food particles if it was a porcelain.There are many,many types of mithrax crabs and only the ones sold to the hobbyist is considered reef safe.The majority are not reef safe.It's possibly a mithrax but I'm leaning more towards Xanthid crab which aren't reef safe either.

Majano anemone-kill that thing before it becomes a plaque.The other is a rhodactis mushroom coral.Those can grow to nearly a foot in diameter,reef safe.I had clowns use them as a host years ago.I couldn't tell if that is starfish or not.It look like a sponge in the pic.
starfish moved, It looks like it's missing half it's body which was why it was weirdly shaped.
Attached are photos of the blue corals that really confused me. There are other brown colored variants of the same species on the rock.
I actually have never seen a blue softy like this one.


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Thanks! I actually only paid for the rock that had blue clove polyps so maybe less than $5, not what it had on there. I just liked the nice amount of coralline algae on it.
I think I will have to remove the ugly brown clove polyps before they spread too much. These things may spread like weeds is what I'm guessing.
If the star was missing half it's body you can bet that it was an asterina. They grow in all kinds of weird shapes..Next time you see him, grab him and get him outta there. Watch out their bite is ferocious....jk.