couple questions...


Reefing newb
k so i was away for two days... and when i came back there are three snails just laying on the sand bed... and i noticed a zoanthid polyp just laying on the sand? im pretty sure he is not attatched to the sand... just laying there. and my gsp is starting to come back out little by little i think.. whats with the snails and the polyp.. i did my parameters and they all look good... im gonna do a little water change and see what happens
The zoanthid could have come loose from a rock. Or a member of your clean up crew could have moved it. Did the snails die? Or are they alive?
One of the snails is crawling on its side really weird... the other two haven't moved looks like they crawled into their shell
other than algae.. i do a very little squirt of reef nutrition arctipods about once a week.. only a little because all i have is a cuc and little coral... and i do about three drops of kents iodide a day
Are you testing for iodide/iodine? You shouldn't be adding it unless you test and find your tank is deficient. It's pretty easy to overdose on stuff like that. Most people don't need to dose for it.