Could it be this quick?


Reef enthusiast
Okay, so i setup my 40g and have sand inside, and rocks, heater and fan and so forth.

I put live rock and a cube of shrimp.

So the cycle started, my ammonia last night was at .25 after 4 days and on the 5th day, (today) my tank has 0 ammonia 0 nitrates and just nitrates. Is it possible my tank is fully cycled in 5 days?!

Im not sure, its probably better off to wait but I want this lionfish in his own tank because he is picking on the blenny a little bit in my reef.

thaaaaanks :)
awesome :D i did not expect 5 days to cycle it!

Water change probably tuesday, got an exam at 2:30 tomorrow..

But I can now put things in my predator tank :D
It is possible, especially if you used good quality live rock and sand that was already cured. Just watch the parameters closely once you move the fish over, as it may kick off a mini cycle. And I would only add one fish at a time for now until you are sure that's not going to happen.
The only reason a FOWLR/reef needs to cycle is because of the things that died in transit to your tank. Sometimes tanks don't even cycle. I would give another 2-3 days, just to be sure though.