Apr 7, 2011 #1 Tetra1 Reefing newb Location Northeast I am getting some toadstool mushrooms and was wondering what other colorful corals would look great with them. Colorful is key, any suggestions? Thanks.:Cheers:
I am getting some toadstool mushrooms and was wondering what other colorful corals would look great with them. Colorful is key, any suggestions? Thanks.:Cheers:
Apr 7, 2011 #3 ErinCahir Sausage Wrangler Location Englewood, CO +1 on the zoas! You can get them in almost any color you want. I also have some very pretty purple mushrooms.
+1 on the zoas! You can get them in almost any color you want. I also have some very pretty purple mushrooms.
Apr 8, 2011 #4 the reef kid hi Location Boston, MA Most LPS are pretty easy to care for, and come in lots of different colors, like acans, blastos, candy canes, etc., and +2 on the zoas as well.
Most LPS are pretty easy to care for, and come in lots of different colors, like acans, blastos, candy canes, etc., and +2 on the zoas as well.