Corals Making Me Mad


Reefing newb
I just recently bought corals and they were doing really well, and then overnight they started doing crappy. I have not changed anything that I was doing, the water temperature dropped a bit, but, they still are not bouncing back yet as the temperature is rising. What can I do? :frustrat::grumble:
The temperature dropped from around 80 degrees to 71 degrees over roughly a two day time period. The one coral never did open and just died and all of my others have shrunk. The water parameters are fine no issues with that.
Thats a big drop in temp. What caused that? What about your salinity, what is that and is/has it been stable?
Yeah the temp is most likely the issue. The ability to keep a tank stable in the long term is very important when you start getting into expensive corals. Unstable parameters will kill corals.

In general the tank temp should not change by more than 3 degrees in a 24 hour period. Most coral reefs in the ocean have an annual average temp of 81F and higher!