Corals Help


Reef enthusiast
I just got two corals. What do I do with them? One is a mushroom the other a Zoo. Sitting in the sump in bag. Do I need to do anything befoe they go in the MT? Where do I place them? I do know mushrooms need low light and low-med current. Zoos need mod-high current. Dang forgot to write down light. I'm stressing. Also trying to set up furg got to move some plumbing. I'm stressing. HELP......... I'm pulling my hair out.
Put them both near the bottom or middle of the tank. They will do well pretty much anywhere. You don't need to feed either of them. Just acclimate them properly before you put them in the tank, float them in the bag for a while then slowly add tank water to the bag.
Yes,acclimate them like you do fish especially the schrooms.

I freshwater dip my zoos first instead of acclimating them.I use styro-foam container and one gallon of dechlorinated freshwater.Temperature and PH set close to the DT.Dip the zoos for 3-5 minutes and place in display.There are a lot of bad hitchhikers they come in on zoos.Once introduce to your display,they can be nearly impossible to rid.Remember always wear gloves,especially around zoos.They have a palytoxin that can make people very ill or worst!Its rare but the risk is there.
Positively they need acclimation.

Float the bag in the tank for 15--20 minutes so that the temp can equalize.

Open the bag and pour a shot glass of water from the tank into the bag.

Let the open end of the bag hang over the side of the tank. Do whatever it takes to keep the bag in the tank, but don't let the open end of the bag spill into the tank.

Every 10 or 15 minutes, take another shot glass and pour water from the tank into the bag.

If the bag gets full, take it to the sink and dump out 50% of the water. It helps to squeeze the bag down low so the critters can't flow out past your hand where it is being squeezed.

Put the bag back in the tank and pour another shot glass of water into the bag.

After you've trippled the volume of the water in the bag--couple hrs of pouring shot glasses in every 15 minutes--your done.

NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER put water from that bag into your tank. You don't know where it's been. I NEVER introduce water from another source, into my tank. NEVER

Don't touch zoanthids with your bare hands. They hold one of the most toxic organic chemicals known on the planet. If one of them squirts and it gets in your eye or in an open cut--your taking a miserable trip to the hospital--RIGHT NOW!! Use hemostats to handle them or wear rubber gloves. Wear safety glasses. Keep your head back. Don't point them at yourself, they tend to shoot straight out.

Mushrooms are just about harmelss--I think. But it wouldn't hurt to treat them with the same care as a zoa. They need to be acclimated in the same manner, but I don't think they are dangerous.
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Every body else has already got you pretty well coved Piggy.

So all I'm gonna say,,Just calm down and take it easy.Theres a lot tougher than you think.So just slow down and take it easy.
You'll be surprised at how much of what you've read will come back to you as you go.
Thanks Reef on the freshwater tip boy did I have hichhikers. Some worms and boy are they grouse. Thanks Rcpilot it was very helpful. Thanks Biff for getting me started. Thanks vote for telling be to calm down. Both are settled in the MT at the bottom. Hopefully lights are to be out. So now that that's done I'm going to sit back and relax. Last thing can I turn lights on tomarrow and how do I know if they're ok?
Thanks guys.
It might take them several days to a couple of weeks to open up.But thats ok,their settling in.
They way to tell if their not doing good,is if you notice they look like their melting.
But I doubt you have to worry about that.I'm sure you got good healthy stuff and got them acclimated good.

Now stop worrying,pour yourself a big tall glass of sweet tea,sit back and enjoy your tank and the forums.:Cheers:
How long do I need to leave my lights on? I'm excited my mushrooms opened up today. Also when is it safe to move them where I want them?
I run mine for 12 hours. You can move them whenever you want to. Keep in mind, every time you move them, they may stay closed up afterwards for a little bit.
Thanks Biff.

My first coral.
