I got it new. I guess I'll try and get some feet for it, but even still I'm not sure that it's gonna do anything. With one of the PC's on it's not too bad but with both you can't put your finger on it. It gets hot here too littlefish, 90's as well. I want to get the damn tank away from the window but I seriously don't want to go through the hassle of moving it. I have a really nice air conditioner I use in the summertime, I live in a converted attic so it really gets cooking up here. What I may do is build a wooden stand for it, and either mount a laptop cooling fan or some PC fans and vent the sump to cool it down, or try the nano JBJ chiller which I believe is rated up to 50 gallons. I also would like a bit extra peace of mind knowing my tank really is stable in case I leave for the day and my AC shuts off (or gets shut off by a family member). The smaller chillers are only $300 something new, which means I could probably get one for even less now that it's winter as MarinesWife said.