coralife 125 skimmer


Does anyone have this skimmer? If so, how much room does it take up if sitting IN the sump. The box says it's 7.5 inches but does not say if that is it hanging from the wall. It will be too tall to hang on the sump wall so I have to sit it in. Any help would be great and pictures even better. Thanks
I hate to be the negetive person but I would get a different skimmer. I love my coralife...... when it works right. I don't remember the last time that was
really? I have been reading alot about this one and seems the best for the money. I also thought many people here recommended it? What would you recommend and does everyone agree w/ s13redline?
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i went through the same thing you are now. if you want a skimmer that is never going to have any problems you have to spend about 300 dollars at least. in the end i decided to go with the super skimmer 125. yote has had great success with it and i hope to be the same way. i don't know the measurments off hand but i'll check it for you when i get home.
Awsome, thanks. I'm about to glue the baffels into my sump/ref and wanna make sure the thing will fit. I plan to sit it in a chamber sideways, the chamber will be 5.5 inches wide by 12 inches long. Please let me know. You are all so helpful, thanks again.
Also, the water level will be 16 inches high, will this create another problem?
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ijust got everything set up and not the skimmer is behind the tank and stand so it's a little tricky to get to, but the base of it is about 6x9. it's probably closer to about 5.5x8.25, but i wanted to over shot it so you would have extra room instead of it not fitting. you'd also need room for the pump, so an extra 6x4 little box attached to the front (also an over estimate i believe)
Perfect man, thanks, I made the skimmer area 6 x 12 inches to be safe. I'm gonna give this skimmer a shot, I'll post a pic of the sump/fuge tomorrow, as it is drying now. Thanks again!
The corallife 125 is 24.5 inches tall.Allow at least 25.5 inches to make emptying the cup easier.
Dont expect it to skim much for about 72 hours.It'll take it that long to break in good.Untill it does break in,Make sure that the bubbles stay right at the union on the bottom of the cup.That will keep you from havin a flood.
It'll also help if you'll go a head and set up an auto-top off since the CSS 125 does better if the water level stays constant.

I cant say anything bad about those skimmers.I've had great luck with my CSS 65 and 125 both.No floods to date,always thick black skimmate.I have to empty the cups at least every other day.
I just got my skimmer today. Man is it big. Compared to the 65 one I had. It barely fit in the sump. The instructions recommends a 12 x 10 but I know mine is smaller then that. It was a tight fit but it was easy o set up. When it say no lower then 4" be sure it's not or you get no bubbles the higher the better. I went with about 2 and a half and it's working great. Will be keeping my eyes on it for the next few days to be sure all goes well.
Make sure the water level in your sump stays fairly constant.More water in the sump will cause the CSS 125s to take in more water and can cause the cup to fill up pretty quick.