Coral placement


Reefing newb
Im not ready for corals yet i dont think. But i want to know what im doing when it comes time.

When you get a frag how do you place it? I mean, how to you glue them and what not?
each coral has a specific flow and light requirement, placement will be judged on that, normally a super glue gel is used to cement them into place, but this only after they have been acclimated to the lights and are doing well in the place that is chosen for them.
pretty much, but acclimating corals, takes time normally you start them off low, and move them to the required height OR you can place them where they need to be in the tank and then change your lighting schedule so that they can adapt to your lighting.
Ah, i see. Well im having lighting problems at the moment, so they will be a little way down the road. The tank came with some coral frags, and they are growing, but i dont know if they are healthy. I'll post a photo in just a bit.
Growing generally means healthy, most corals wont thrive or grow in bad conditions, though it can be said they (not all) are more hardy for bad water quality than some fish.
So this is what is growing in my tank. No idea what they are, but they are cute. :D
They're zooanthids, a lower light very easy to care for coral. Before long they should start growing for you.
Oh cool! Thanks BL.
I had been wondering where they should be in my tank. I guess now i need to move them cause i had them pretty close to the lights thus far. :D
They look like a frag of Watermelon Zoanthids, always a great choice. Don't be discouraged if you don't notice a fast rate of growth. Growth differs in all tanks. For instance, Zoos don't grow fast in my tank but my Palys and Yumas explode in population. So don't feel alone when they're not spreading like you'd expect them to.
Well to be honest the thing they are growing wasn't anything but a hunk of rock when i got the tank. I just figured i leave it in there. And one day poof! There they are. :D
So i must be doing something right with this tank. <3