Continuous Water Change System

The problem with using the RKL and pumps is that the pumps could be slightly off from each other, which would jack with your salinity over time. Plus the programming of the RKL would be a lot more complicated than the LiterMeter III.... from what I've read so far...

Buy using the LM3 and a standard ATO, the LM3 would not take out enough water each time to cause the ATO to start up.

I've been going back and forth with Scott at Aquarium Specialty and Scott at Spectra Pure. I think I've got the basic equipment list down, I just need to sell a couple more things from my old tank and then make the purchase. :)
Ignore this post: There is something odd with the server going on, so I am posting in hopes that by placing a new post it will force the page to update.

EDIT: Fixed!
The RKL System would not affect the salinity, because the first pump would run for a set amount of time, for example 1 minute. During that time, it would pump +/- 10 gals, for example. Then the second pump, attached to a solenoid would run for 15 mins, but the solenoid would shut it off once the tank was full. The idea would be for the second pump to run for a time that would exceed it's actual necessity, and would rely on the solenoid to shut it off. It the solenoid failed, that's where the overflow I suggested would come in. You would just need to use a secondary float switch on the ATO to ensure that it shut down if the pump on your SW ever quit.
I just started thinking about equipment failure and tried to figure out how you could plan for failure of the Liter Meter, then I saw the price tag on the liter meter and I started thinking maybe there's another way. You could really even just do it with timers, but the RKL would streamline it. The ML would obviously work too, but if it ever fails I don't see a simple way to prevent the ATO from diluting your salinity.
cool. I am excited to see you implement this. I know it will work and even if you find that you have to do some water changes every now and then, it will still be far less maintenance than my tank is :grumble: :mrgreen:
D have you ever seen the wet skimming water change on RC. You set your skimmer pretty wet and top off with the right amount of salt in the water to keep salinity the same in the display.