cole tang


love my reef
my cole tang looks like it loosing it purple color?? that would this be from.. it look health otherwise flitten all around the tank
Are you using vitamins with your food,? When I started soaking vitamins with the food , I saw a big difference in color. You might try New Life Spectrum pellets also soaked with vitamins
I had been soaking the food in vitamins but have not been doing it as often that must be why its loosing its color I will start to do it again tomorrow once the lights are up.. I feed alot of the green and red marine algae sheets more then the flakes so I will have to start up on that again.. thanks
See if this helps you out at all
Kole Tang:^::bounce::^:
Just feed plenty of vegetable matter and he should turn back to his maroon self. If he wont eat dried seaweed then feed him spirulina flakes.

Here is mine. He`s 8 yrs old this month.

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I`m very sorry to hear that. How about posting some water test results so we can rule that out . Also you did not see anything on him that resembled salt sprinkles on him did you?