Coins as decorations


Reefing newb
I'm just returning to marine aquariums after almost a 20-year absence and starting out small with a 10-gallon tank I'm converting from freshwater. The local pet store gave me all the how-to on the conversion, but couldn't answer the following question:

Is there a way to make coins safe for decoration in a marine aquarium (fish only)?

I have an idea of scattering a small bed of Washington dollars as though they were treasure on the sea floor. Is there a way to coat them or cover them that will make them safe?:bounce:


As a rule, no metal should be left in a saltwater tank. Metal will leach out into the water, and most metals are toxic to marine invertebrates. Since you are talking about fish only, it's not as likely that the metal will be harmful, but you will have one hell of a time battling algae if you are unable to keep any cleaners such as snails and hermit crabs. I'm also unsure if metal will be detrimental to the necessary bacteria you'll need in the tank.

Maybe you could search online for aquarium safe decorations and find something similar?
I agree with Ryan, acrylic resin or two part epoxy would work just fine. Just age the coated coin a while in a warm place before putting in tank. At leat a few days to a week. On top of a water heater would work great. Make sure an flip the coin a few times while it outgases and cures on the heater.
thanks guys. useful information. i looked online, searching resin coins, and found some replicas of chinese coins, kind of a bronzed look, that would work. but i'm really going for the bed of gold coins look. just wasn't sure what would be best to seal them in.
