Clownfish ok?


Reef enthusiast
So you probably remember how my anenome took out one of my clown fish and my shrimp and some other things.

Well all is well now, or so I thought.

No my female clown hangs out behind some rocks all the time and only comes out once in a while, mostly for food (a good sign?) She just hovers in the back, not to far above the substrate. She is moving her fins at a good speed though.

She is breathing very fast and I'm hoping it is because the salinity has gotten up to 1.026 pretty quickly, when I usually try to keep it around 1.024.

Just salinity shock that will go away? Or signs of something else? No other physical signs that I know of.
I dont think a jump in .0002 will matter much. I dont think a sand siffting star is going to do anything.LOL What are your perameters? A levle between 1.021 to 1.026 are not goiung to hurt a clown. The ocean is at 1.026 but I think 1.023 or 24 are that way you have alittle room for mistakes.
I guess the main thing is your perameter right now. It could also be a lack of oxygen. Do you have nything breaking the waters surface?
Breaking the surface is were the water is rippling from flow. It adds oxygen to the water. Yes a skimmer will help, but you should have a power head point up alittle to ripple the surface. What are your perameters.
oh well i do have my water rippling where it comes out of my pengiun bio wheel, it's a 200 gph for 12 gallon tank so that should be fine.

my parameters are like perfect actually that's the thing
I think Hibye was asking about the starfish because changing the salinity with starfish can be dangerous since they are sensitive to sudden salinity changes.They also do better with higher salinity(1.024-1.026).I'm with Bobby here,the change isn't significant enough to harm the clown.As long as the clown is eating,I would just monitor it and see if the clown gets better or worst.
be patient, don't worry. If the clown is eating, everything is OK. Your parameters sound OK and the slight change in salinity creates no problems with your clown. They can almost live in a toliet for a week without dying, so if it is eating you are in business. Don't stick your hands in the tank or stress it out for a week and you will be golden.

-Dr Marco :sfish: