Clown fish question


Coral Junkie
Ive got a 20 gallon tank and I just got done reading a section in a book about clown fish now i've been advised to only add one at a time but the book said that clown fish should be introduce in pairs? And should I go with smaller ones to reduce the levels of nitrate?
Thank You
The best way is to add them together. If not then one will claim the tank and try to fight the new one. I have added them together before and never with a problem. I also added one at a time and had problems with that.
In a new tank, it's advised to add one fish at a time so you don't crash your tank. New tanks can't handle a big influx of fish at once. But, like Bobby said, clowns do better when introduced together. So if you are planning on adding clowns, add the pair together. For the best luck, buy two clowns that are very different in size. The larger the size difference, the less likely they are to fight for dominance.
Stick with Percula,Ocellaris and Pink skunk clowns since they are the smaller clownfish.Others like Maroons,Tomatoes and Clarkii grow fairly large for that size tank.I agree adding them at the same time will give you a better chance with them pairing.I would look for very young juveniles,one being slightly larger than the other.
I vote for adding them both at once. It is not the number of fish so much as the size. one 3 inch fish at first is going to mess things up more than 1- 2" and 1- 1" will. Good luck with your selection
