Closed Button Polyps


Reefing newb
My button polyps have been closed for about two months now and I'm not sure what's going on. I noticed the other night after the lights where out that some of them opened up. Is it normal for these corals to only open up at night?
Can you please post your water parameters, lights, and other equipment so we can help you figure out what is going on?

Also, pics are very helpful
OK I just tested the water and the results are listed below. I have a 50 gallon tank. I do a 5 gallon water change every couple weeks and change the filter medium out once a week. Below is a picture of Button Polyps and how they look all the time.

Calcium 420 ppm
Ammonia 0.0
Nitrite 0.0
Nitrate 1.0
Phosphate 0.0
Salinity 1.026


  • Button_Polyp.jpg
    62 KB · Views: 855
are you sure your nitrates are not 100 ppm, i dont think you can measure 1 on any kits that i know of

If that is the case, the nitrates are causing the troubles. I would totally get rid of the filter media. I would instead get a good fuge going. I would also do larger, more consistent water changes. What is your stocking like and what are you feeding?
No the Nitrates are not 100. My test kit goes from 0.0 to 5.0 and it,s just a touch darker than the 0.0 mark. Really you could say it's zero Nitrates. There's nothing wrong with the chemistry of my water. Water temperature is at 78 degrees.

My stocking is as follows.

Fish - 4 Damsels
8 various kinds of corals
a Coral banded Shrimp
Some snails
An Emerald Crab
Couple Hermit Crabs
Blue linchia Starfish
there was a thread a while back that someone posted, they had polyps that only opened up when the lights were going off. I can't remember who posted it or what they were called but, from what I can remember they look very similar to the ones you have.