Cleaning My New Lights!


Stop Quoting Me!
Based on my post yesterday, I went and picked up the lights I asked about yesterday. It's a Coralife 48" (2)150W MH (2) 96W PC (4) Moonlights. So I'm geeked to get this thing above my tank tomorrow.

Here are some pics.. Although they're in really nice shape, they do need a good cleaning, what's the best way to clean these things? Warm water only? Vinegar solution. What do you guys recommend?

As always Thanks a million.

One other thing, I'm going to need to hang these things...Any tips? What can/should I use?


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I'd start with just warm water and go from there. Vinegar is the usual recommended cleaner, but it is an acid and could ruin the finish so avoid it for cleaning the black part unless you really need it. You can just pour some vinegar on a paper towel and wipe the glass with it.
I got the 36" corallife MH and actinic lights. I just use a rag with water. Thats it no cleaner, soap nothing. Most important part is of course the light covers. As for hanging why can't you use the legs they came with?

Edit: Always make sure they cool before using wet rag on the light covers or they will shatter
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I can't use the legs because my tank is mounted in the wall, so I lose about 4 inches in the front of the tank where the legs would mount.
My tank is mounted in the wall but I moved the tank back a few inches and also reversed the legs so they would stay on the tank. So instead of the legs going outward from the lights mine now go inwards.
Nice. I'll have to check it out tomorrow. I hate to admit it but I'm a huge speed skating fan, so it was all about the olympics tonight. Thanks for the info. Didn't mess with the light at all tonight, just set it in the fish room.
ok. Lights are hung up and ready to go. I've got 4 timers. (2) for the Metal Halides, (1) Moonlights, (1) 10k PC's.

I read that if I'm planning on keeping corals that somewhere between 8-12 hrs is good for light.

My question is what type of cycle do I put these things on.

For Example:
Do I use the Metal Halides for 8 hrs per day.
then switch to the pcs for 4 hrs
Then the moon lights for 12 hrs.
and then start the cycle over.

Or are the moonlights just there for my viewing pleasure?

Or do I turn everything off at a certain point?

Have you ever noticed that alot of aquarium stuff doesn't come with great instructions?
Moon lights are just for your viewing pleasure. Keep the actinics on around 10 hrs a day roughly. Bring the metal halides on about 1 hour after the actinics and shut em off 1 hr before the actinics....This mimics the dawn and dusk etc.

I leave everything off at night even the moon lights. Just basically try to recreate what the corals would be recieving in nature.
Moonlights make looking at the tank at night cool. But they don't do much else. Most people stagger their lights -- actinics on first, then daylights, then daylights off, then actinics off. This gives a dusk-dawn effect.
Thanks Eli. I see you also got some new lights. Congrats.

Oh no I don't see because you haven't posted your pics yet!:bounce:

I do dig my lights, they would look sweet if they weren't shining on an empty box filled with water and rocks!.:mrgreen:

And, I bought a 90g tank for $40 on Craigslist. Everything looked great until I got the lights. There's no hiding the swirly scratches now...Oh well. Get a new tank one day. Only person who's gonna see this tank is me anyway.
Thanks Eli. I see you also got some new lights. Congrats.

Oh no I don't see because you haven't posted your pics yet!:bounce:

I do dig my lights, they would look sweet if they weren't shining on an empty box filled with water and rocks!.:mrgreen:

And, I bought a 90g tank for $40 on Craigslist. Everything looked great until I got the lights. There's no hiding the swirly scratches now...Oh well. Get a new tank one day. Only person who's gonna see this tank is me anyway.

Nuetral polish or buffing compound can help make alot of scratches dissapear.