Cleaning crew


Reef enthusiast
At the moment, I have a total of 3 turbo snails (which keep knocking off a coral i havent glued down) and a shrimp as my CUC

I was just wondering what else I need to get, I think I need to get more sand stirrers. My tank is 60g, any suggestions anyone?

You need LOTS more stuff.
You could easily put in 50 small blue leg hermits, a dozen nassarius, a bunch of florida cerith snails, a cucumber, at least two peppermint shrimp, a cleaner shrimp...

Contact John through his website custom cuc form. He'll hook you up. | Clean Up Crews and Macro Algae - Home

He may not have all of that but he will get you a bunch of stuff.

Also can check "The Package" from to see what Richard recommends for your size tank. He has great stuff.
Alright, so thats a lot of cleaning crew :) ill get to my lfs for that because those websites would be US sites right? I cant order from there because I live in Australia :S

how many of the trochus snails and astrea snails should I be getting?

Also I was thinking about my sandbed in the tank, How deep should that be? i think mine is probably about 1-1.5 inches deep, not sure if thats enough for the cucumbers and for the tank in general?

thanks for your help guys :)
I would do alot of research on cucumbers before you go and buy one. Most of them will poison your tank if they get stressed or die. You want to make sure you get one that you won't have to worry about it killing everything
yea, ive been reading up on that as well, thats why I wasnt sure if my sandbed was deep enough, as it says they like a deep sandbed.

I just dont know what is considered deep :S
inch to 1 1/2" deep sand is alright.But probably not deep enough for cucumbers.
On the trochus and asterias,I'd say 5 or 6 of each.And their not as bad about knocking corals over as the turbos.
Haha yea, the turbos are fairly stupid snails. Alright, i might go purchase another 10kg of sand and put it into my tank, that shouldnt make it cycle i hope. but ill do some checking.
oh and how long can I keep the fish and corals in the bucket while I do this? because I dont have a second tank and also dont want to empty out the whole tank of water, because I want to give the sand a chance to settle in the water before I put them all back in.
Ok, Thanks Biff, I dont they need to be in there for more than about 2 hours, but ill keep a look out at the temperatures :)