Circulation pumps?


I know that I don't know
Hello to all,
I think I may have screwed up when I ordered my pumps for my new 40 gallon breeder. I ordered (2) Hydor Koralia 1050 (1050 gph/5 watts).

I think that is way too much, right? I have soft corals and 1 flowerpot coral.

They aren't here yet and when they come I can exchange them but I am so annoyed with myself if I screwed it up.

Second question, how much water flow do I need when setting up dry rock with my salt water and sand. I am going to seed the rock with some from my Biocube. I am also going through the normal cycling process, etc. I have mixed water, dry rock, sand all sitting in the middle of living room with the tank on the shelf so I am trying to see if I can do anything with a small pump to keep the rock moving or just pile it up as best I can. I hope no one stops by unannounced. LOL

im pretty sure thats too much...although ive heard alot of people say that in the wild they get alot more flow than you would even be able to possibly create in an aquarium, like thousands of time more gph...
but a 40 gallon breeder is a small tank and youll probably have sand all kicked up and stuff and your fish wont have alot of room to swim.
I ordered them at like 2 in the morning and pushed the wrong button. Question is can I position one in a way that would work or should I go with 2 smaller ones?
Although it might be nice to exchange one for a smaller powerhead, you can get away with the two big ones. Just make sure the flow isnt point right at the coral, have it bounce off the glass or section of rock
Thanks because I ordered them online and I will have to mail them back, blah, blah, blah. If I find it is too much, I'll just pick up a smaller one and run one 1050 and like a 750 or something. I want good flow.

Can I make it with my Prizm Deluxe skimmer until I can find a good deal on Craigsist or save for a better one?

I have a Marineland filter Penguin 380 unused that I found at a yard sale. I thought of taking the guts out and put some chaeto with a light in it or taking out the biowheels and using it. That's what my friend does.

Thanks in advance.
I would just save until you can get a good one, on a 40 gal tank you can get away with just water changes. And i think that would be a good use of your Penguin filter
Use one of those 1050's to mix water for your PWC's.
Even though I'm a firm believer in a lot of flow, don't mean I advocate have class 5 rapids in the tank.
Can I cover the whole tank with 1 pump Yote or do you think I need one of these and a smaller one too.

This is a new set up so I should be able to get an idea before I put anything in it other than LR/LS. I will try one pump and see. I think if I point it to the front of the glass.
I'd run one of the 1050's along with at least one smaller pump.Me personally,I'd go for at least 2 smaller pumps, but that's just me.
Of course you'll have to play around with flow for your tank to get it right. Add some,then reduce it some. Add a new rock,redirect the flow pattern.
Things like that. It's part of the fun of being a reefer.:D
My 55gal currently has 2 Koralia 550's and 2 1050's.
I like the 1050's because they can push water almost the entire length of the 48" tank, but are too strong for cross-flows so I use the 550's for that.
I had to try out a lot of configurations and angles to get the flow just right and not blow out the critters - I am still working on tuning them bit by bit. (And don't face the 1050's directly at each other for your tank :shock:)

If not angled properly and without rockwork, you could turn your 40gal into a washing machine :)

If you feel that two 1050's are too strong, use one 1050 to provide the main water current and then use smaller ones to cover dead spots.