Cheto going white

I killed my first ball of chaeto (took 2 months before it started turning lighter and lighter, then one day, I poked it, and it collapsed into itself). I was using a regular light bulb.

I switched to a compact flourescent floodlight (CFL) -- it's 26 watts, equivalent to 100 w I think, and it's 6500 Kelvin (or 6700? I forget)...but since doing that, within a month, not only did the new ball of chaeto that I put in just grew 4 times its size, but the pieces left from the previous dead chaeto came back to life as well. So it's definitely lighting more than anything. I've since trimmed my chaeto down and sold some to my lfs for store credit.

I've read the light should be on when the dt light is off, and vice versa to maximize its growth, but I also read somewhere to keep the light on 24-7....which is what I've done and it's grown HUGE that way. But my light keeps needing to be replaced every month :( so I'm switching to cycle opposite the dt and see what results I get. Good luck with yours!