Changing flow


Reefing newb
Okay, never thought to ask this, but......

Is there a down side to changing the flow in the tank? I'm talking about randomly changing the location and direction of the power heads and returns. I would be careful as to not stir up the sand bed and cause a sand storm. As long as the Zoas get some flow, would they mind? How about the fish? I know my Flame Angel seems to like lower flow areas. Would a change cause undue stress for it?
Nope, it shouldn't be an issue at all. Your fish and corals will adjust to the different flow. Just make sure the corals aren't getting blasted with a direct flow.
Are you talking about moving the powerheads around the tank, or a way to radomize the flow with a wavemaker?

Either one should be fine. I recently added wavemaking pumps to my system and my corals and fish are definitely happier than when there was static flow in the tank