Carpet anenome

ok well thanks for all the input
i will lean towards to BTA if i go that route
wont be till august anyway
:censored: :pissedof: :yikesu:
Two things people get really excited about on this forum...
Too many TANGS in a space not big enough &
ANEMONES, all kinds, shapes and sizes!!!
Carpet nems are definitely not user friendly. Not only are they more difficult to keep than most other commonly sold anemones, but they are very aggressive predators that will go after your fish. Even it's own clowns. I watched a carpet nem eat it's own clown at the LFS once! It was crazy.

Of all of them, bubble tip would be your best bet.
im definantly going to go with a bubble tip
keeping my eye open for a pink one

Seems like nem stories are all one way or the other

either "i have one and i have no problems" or "i had one and it was a horror show"

so the only way i will know is to give one a try, and see how it goes
Good luck. I love my BTA. The undulations keep me mesmerized for hours. If you like anemones, try a Duncan coral. Very similar movements in the water.
I must be one of the lucky ones than! I had a blue carpet for some time with no problems. When I put it in the tank, I placed it where I really wanted to to be and it stayed there. I must have been extremely lucky. I did have one fish disappear and figured the carpet got it. I don't know how, but most fish knew to stay away from it. When my last tank crashed, it was one of the unlucky ones to die.
I had a green carpet and he was the meanest thing i have ever had. I think i lost more fish to thet danged carpet:sfish: then I did to my wolf eel. And he was a huge monster that ate :frustrat:everything that would fit in his mouth. I am no longer allowed to have a carpet:bowdown: ( the wife says) cause its like throwing money out the window.:shock: