Carbondioxide oxygen equlibrium.


What exacitaly is it because it says on all salt mixes that you want the water to sit for about 24 hours and airate so the water can reach carbon dioxide oxygen equlibrium. Just what exactialy is it and how does it work. Thanx
it means that when you airate the water it drives out the co2 and by doing that it will raise the ph to were you need it to be since co2 drives the ph down
Hmmm I understand that. How long does that process take ushaly. And how does all that co2 get in there in the first place. And how does it just balance out.
It balances out because CO2 and Oxygen are gasses that happen to be disolved in the water. It is constantly going in and out of solution at the water surface. The mixing speeds this process by increasing the surface area of the water. Also, since the air we breath is very high in O2, more of that gets in the water.