Canister Filter


Fish Wrangler
Have been given a Canister filter for free. rated up to 55g, everything included brand new in the box. Worth setting up or more trouble later down the line? Thoughts, and opinions welcomed. I was going to run this on the new 30g BF.
They need to be cleaned every two weeks or so, or they drive up the nitrates. I have an eheim running for the mechanical carbon and po4 stuff I use. But once again, I clean it every two weeks. I would suggest the quick-dissconnect valve things to speed it up. I do it as part of my water change aslo since it holds a gallon. I tis getting tireing....
Probably using it just for mechanical/Physical filtration, going to replace filter media, and that be it. Bioballs, and the like I mean, do they keep p the tank somewhat cleaner compared to a HoB overflow filter?
Don't use it for bio filtration, use it for mechanical only, floss, carbon, some phosphate absorber, and plan on changing it every two weeks. You need to test your water and you'll see it. Plan on live rock in the main tank to be your filter. I like using the canister filter, but once again in salt water it can go against you.
Cant you use it as a sump? I'm one of those who are stuck on the Berlin filtration method. Live rock, lights, cheato, some hermits, snails, and a protien skimmer. Thats it. When I start adding stuff it gets complicated.
They are great for emergencies! If you get a nitrate/phosphate/ammonia spike or a toxin like copper in the water you can clean the water very fast if the canister is packed with the right media.
I had to run out and buy a canister filter when I treated my tank for flatworms. They do come in handy when you need to run carbon or other media. It's worth keeping around for that.